Article L4231-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The president of the regional council is the executive body of the region. He prepares and executes the deliberations of the regional council.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK II: POWERS OF THE REGION | TITLE III: POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REGIONAL COUNCIL
The president of the regional council is the executive body of the region. He prepares and executes the deliberations of the regional council.
The president of the regional council is the authorising officer for the region’s expenditure and prescribes the execution of regional revenue, subject to the specific provisions of the general tax code relating to the collection of local authority tax revenue. He charges to the investment section capital expenditure relating to movable assets not included on the lists and of a value below a threshold set by order of the ministers…
The President of the Regional Council has sole responsibility for administration. He may delegate by decree, under his supervision and responsibility, the exercise of part of his functions to the Vice-Presidents and, in the absence or impediment of the latter, or provided that they all hold a delegation, to other members of the Regional Council. These delegations remain in force until they are withdrawn. A member of the regional council…
The president of the regional council manages the region’s estate.
The President of the Regional Council appoints members of the Regional Council to sit on outside bodies in the cases and under the conditions laid down by the provisions governing these bodies. The fixing of the term of office assigned to these members by the aforementioned provisions does not prevent them from being replaced at any time, and for the remainder of that term, by a new appointment made in…
The president of the regional council appoints field wardens in the cases and under the conditions provided for in article L. 522-2 of the internal security code.
The chairman of the regional council may take any protective measures and interrupt any forfeiture.
The president of the regional council brings actions on behalf of the region by virtue of the decision of the regional council and may, with the assent of the standing committee, defend any action brought against the region. He may, by delegation of the Regional Council, be instructed for the duration of his term of office to bring legal actions in the name of the region or to defend the…
The President, by delegation of the Regional Council, may be entrusted, for the duration of his term of office, with taking any decision concerning the preparation, award, performance and settlement of contracts and framework agreements, as well as any decision concerning amendments thereto, when the appropriations are entered in the budget. The President of the Regional Council shall report on the exercise of this competence at the next useful meeting…
Where Article L. 4231-8, the decision of the Regional Council or the Permanent Commission instructing the President of the Regional Council to award a specific contract or framework agreement may be taken before the award procedure for this contract or framework agreement is initiated. In this case, the decision must include a definition of the scope of the need to be met and the estimated value of the contract or…
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