Article R3123-8-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The end-of-mandate differential allowance is personal.
The end-of-mandate differential allowance is personal.
For the first six months of its payment, the amount of the allowance is equal to 80% of the difference between the gross monthly allowance, before deduction of tax at source, that the person concerned received for the performance of his or her elective duties, and all the resources received by way of income from work, substitute income or allowances linked to other elective offices. From the seventh month following…
The monthly allowance is paid for a maximum period of one year. The allowance is paid monthly if its monthly amount exceeds 100 euros. If the amount of the allowance is less than 100 euros, payment is made in two instalments during the first six months, and from the seventh month onwards, also in two instalments.
Beneficiaries are obliged to inform us immediately of any change in their situation with regard to the amount of resources they receive.
The payment by the department of expenses relating to the exercise of elected representatives’ right to training, under the conditions set by articles L. 3123-10 to L. 3123-14 and by 2° of article L. 3321-1, may only take place if the body providing the training course or session has received approval issued by the Minister responsible for local authorities under the conditions set out in articles R. 1221-12 to R….
The travel and subsistence expenses of elected departmental representatives are paid by the department under the conditions defined by the decree setting the terms and conditions for the payment of expenses incurred by the temporary travel of civil servants of the State.
To qualify for the reimbursement provided for in article L. 3123-12, the elected representative must provide proof to the department that he or she has suffered a reduction in income as a result of exercising his or her right to training.
Any member of a departmental council who is an employee must, where he wishes to take the training leave referred to in article L. 3123-11, submit his request in writing to his employer at least thirty days in advance, specifying the date and duration of the planned absence, as well as the name of the organisation responsible for the course or session. The employer shall acknowledge receipt of this request….
Training leave is granted by right in order to attend a training course or attend a training session that meets the criteria set out in article R. 3123-9. It may, however, be refused by the employer if he considers, after consulting the works council or, failing this, the staff delegates where the company has them, that the employee’s absence would have detrimental consequences for production and the smooth running of…
Any refusal by the employer must be justified and notified to the person concerned.
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