Article L1251-5 of the French Labour Code
An assignment contract, regardless of the reason for it, may not have the purpose or effect of permanently filling a job linked to the normal and permanent activity of the user company.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title V: Temporary employment contracts, other secondment contracts and freelance administration | Chapter I: Employment contract concluded with a temporary employment agency | Section 2: Conditions of appeal
An assignment contract, regardless of the reason for it, may not have the purpose or effect of permanently filling a job linked to the normal and permanent activity of the user company.
Subject to the provisions of Article L. 1251-7, a temporary employee may only be used to perform a specific and temporary task known as an “assignment” and only in the following cases: 1° Replacement of an employee, in the event of : a) Absence ; b) A temporary change to part-time work, agreed by amendment to the employee’s contract of employment or by written agreement between the employee and his…
In addition to the cases provided for in article L. 1251-6, a temporary employee may be made available to a user undertaking: 1° When the temporary work assignment aims, in application of legal provisions or an extended branch agreement, to promote the recruitment of unemployed people experiencing particular social and professional difficulties; 2° When the temporary employment undertaking and the user undertaking undertake, for a period and under conditions laid…
Where the assignment involves the practice of a regulated medical or paramedical profession, the temporary employment agency will check that the employee is duly authorised to practise.
For a period of six months following a redundancy for economic reasons, it is forbidden to call on a temporary employee for a temporary increase in activity, including for the performance of an occasional, precisely defined and non-permanent task that is not part of the normal activity of the user company. This prohibition applies to the positions concerned by the dismissal in the establishment. The prohibition does not apply 1°…
In addition to the cases provided for in Article L. 1251-9, it is forbidden to use temporary work: 1° To replace an employee whose employment contract has been suspended as a result of a collective labour dispute ; 2° To carry out certain particularly dangerous work included in a list drawn up by regulation, under the conditions set out in article L. 4154-1. The administrative authority may exceptionally authorise a…
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