Article R5134-51 of the French Labour Code
Workforce development assistance is granted prior to the conclusion of the employment contract referred to in article L. 5134-69.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter IV: Assisted employment contracts | Section 3: Initiative-emploi contract
Workforce development assistance is granted prior to the conclusion of the employment contract referred to in article L. 5134-69.
Employers who submit a new application for employability assistance must provide the authority responsible for allocating this assistance with the information required to draw up the report referred to in article L. 5134-66-1.
Within a clear period of seven days, the employer must inform the following of any suspension or termination of the employment contract that occurs before the end of the period for which work integration assistance is granted: 1° The authority which granted the aid ; 2° The body or bodies responsible for paying the aid. An order from the Minister for Employment sets out the model form for the employer…
In the event of non-compliance by the employer with the provisions of the decision awarding the work placement subsidy, the subsidy will not be due and the sums paid will be reimbursed. The authority awarding the aid informs the employer of its intention to recover the undue payment. The employer has seven days in which to make its observations known. Any undue payment will give rise to reimbursement by the…
In the event of a change in the legal status of the employer within the meaning of article L. 1224-1, the new employer is substituted in the rights of the employer with regard to the employment contract. The new employer is also substituted in the rights of the initial employer with regard to the work integration aid, subject to the agreement of the authority that granted the aid, with regard…
Pursuant to article L. 5134-67-2, an employer wishing to extend aid for professional integration under the contrat initiative-emploi must submit a prior request to the authority that granted the initial aid. This reasoned request must be accompanied by an assessment of the support and training provided, in particular assistance with taking up the job, refresher courses, the acquisition of new skills and training leading to qualifications. The employer must also…
The maximum duration of employability assistance, set at twenty-four months by article L. 5134-67-1, may be extended, in application of the third paragraph of the same article, for the remaining duration of the training followed by the employee, up to a maximum of sixty months. The employer’s request for extension must be accompanied by : 1° All supporting documents intended to establish that the vocational training leading to qualifications referred…
The maximum duration of twenty-four months of employability assistance may, for the persons mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 5134-67-1, be extended to sixty months by successive extension decisions of a maximum of one year. The age condition mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 5134-67-1 and in article L. 5134-69-1 is assessed at the end of the maximum duration of the aid.
Pursuant to article L. 2323-48, the staff representative bodies of the employing organisations, where they exist, are informed of the initiative-employment contracts concluded.
The authority awarding the aid for professional integration appoints, either from within the authority or from a body responsible for support or integration, and mentions this in the initial decision to award the aid, a mentor responsible for monitoring the professional integration of the employee on an initiative-employment contract. If the employee is a beneficiary of the revenu de solidarité active (active solidarity income), the advisor may be the same…
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