Article R4534-3 of the French Labour Code
Those parts of a building which are not available for site service and access to which is dangerous to people are clearly demarcated and visibly signposted. Access to them is prevented by physical means.
Those parts of a building which are not available for site service and access to which is dangerous to people are clearly demarcated and visibly signposted. Access to them is prevented by physical means.
Once the structural work of a storey has been completed, openings in a building overlooking the void, such as bays, must be fitted with guardrails placed 90 cm from the floors and with skirting boards at least 15 cm high, unless these openings are fitted with protective devices of at least equivalent effectiveness or unless access to them has been prohibited in application of the provisions of article R. 4534-3.
When, in order to carry out work inside a building, platforms are installed which intersect the openings at the edge of the void in their height, at a vertical distance of more than 90 cm from the upper part of the openings, a guardrail and a plinth are installed at the right of these openings.
Openings in shafts, galleries with an incline of more than 45°, and openings such as those provided for the passage of lifts, or such as chimney shafts or trap doors, which may exist in the floors of a building as well as in the floors of scaffolding, gangways or any other installations, must be enclosed or closed off : 1° Either by a guardrail placed at a height of 90…
Materials on the site are stacked and arranged in such a way as not to endanger workers.
It is forbidden to leave boards with protruding points abandoned on the site.
Areas where work is being carried out, and access to them, must be adequately lit.
When a worksite usually involves a large movement of lorries or other transport vehicles, specially reserved and appropriately signposted tracks will be laid for these vehicles.
When the driver of a lorry performs a manoeuvre, in particular reversing, in conditions of insufficient visibility, one or more workers shall direct the driver and warn, by voice or by conventional signals, persons coming into the area where the vehicle is moving. The same measures are taken when unloading a truck body.
If a vehicle, piece of equipment or mobile worksite machinery is stationary on sloping ground without its driver, it must be immobilised by any appropriate means.
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