Article R4512-1 of the French Labour Code
When, after the start of the work, an external company uses new subcontractors, the procedures laid down in this chapter are again applicable to them.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title I: Work carried out on an establishment by an external company | Chapter II: Measures prior to carrying out an operation
When, after the start of the work, an external company uses new subcontractors, the procedures laid down in this chapter are again applicable to them.
Before an operation is carried out by an external company, a joint inspection is carried out of the workplace, the installations there and any equipment made available to the external companies.
During the joint preliminary inspection, the head of the user undertaking: 1° Delimits the area in which the outside undertakings will be working; 2° Marks out the areas in this area which may present hazards for the workers; 3° Indicates the traffic routes which these workers and the vehicles and machinery of all kinds belonging to the outside undertakings may use; 4° Defines the access routes for these workers to…
The head of the user company shall inform the heads of the external companies of his safety instructions applicable to the workers carrying out the operation, including during their movements.
Employers provide each other with all the information needed to prevent risks, in particular a description of the work to be carried out, the equipment used and the operating procedures whenever these have an impact on health and safety.
In the light of the information and elements gathered during the prior joint inspection, the heads of the user and external companies jointly analyse the risks that may result from interference between activities, installations and equipment. Where such risks exist, the employers shall draw up a prevention plan by mutual agreement before the start of the work, defining the measures taken by each company to prevent such risks.
The prevention plan must be drawn up in writing and approved before the work begins in the following two cases: 1° Whenever the operation to be carried out by the external companies, including any subcontractors they may call upon, represents a total number of foreseeable working hours equal to at least 400 hours over a period of less than or equal to twelve months, whether the work is continuous or…
The measures provided for in the prevention plan include at least the following provisions: 1° The definition of dangerous phases of activity and the corresponding specific means of prevention; 2° The adaptation of equipment, installations and devices to the nature of the operations to be carried out and the definition of their maintenance conditions; 3° The instructions to be given to workers; 4° The organisation put in place to provide…
Each company concerned provides a list of the positions occupied by workers likely to be covered by the enhanced individual monitoring provided for by articles R. 4624-22 to R. 4624-28 or, in the case of agricultural employees, by article R. 717-16 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, due to the risks associated with the work carried out in the user company. This list is included in the prevention plan.
The prevention plan sets out how maintenance costs are to be shared between the external companies whose workers use the premises and facilities provided for in article R. 4513-8 and made available by the user company.
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