Article R4626-22 of the French Labour Code
Before starting work, the employee undergoes a medical examination by the occupational physician. The occupational physician is informed of the position to which the employee is assigned.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VI: Prevention institutions and organisations | Title II: Occupational health and prevention services | Chapter VI: Occupational health services in health, social and medico-social establishments | Section 4: Actions and resources of the members of the multidisciplinary occupational health team | Subsection 2: Medical examinations.
Before starting work, the employee undergoes a medical examination by the occupational physician. The occupational physician is informed of the position to which the employee is assigned.
The occupational physician will arrange for the appropriate additional examinations to be carried out on the basis of the person’s history, the position to be occupied and with a view to preventing transmissible infectious diseases. The occupational physician carries out or arranges for the additional examinations provided for by the provisions in force for certain categories of workers exposed to particular risks under the conditions provided for in article R….
The occupational physician, under the responsibility of the head of the establishment, shall ensure that the provisions of the Public Health Code on compulsory vaccinations are applied. He will carry out these vaccinations himself or arrange for them to be carried out, as well as those required in the event of an epidemic. Employees may have these vaccinations carried out by the doctor of their choice. They must provide a…
Employees receive a medical examination at least every twenty-four months. Medical examinations or, pursuant to the first paragraph of article R. 4623-31, nursing interviews may be carried out more frequently, at the discretion of the occupational physician.
The following are entitled to enhanced medical surveillance: 1° The employees mentioned in article R. 4624-18; 2° Employees reinstated after long-term leave or long-term sick leave.
The occupational physician will determine the terms and conditions of the enhanced medical surveillance, taking into account recommendations for good practice.
The employee is entitled to a resumption examination by the occupational physician: 1° After maternity leave ; 2° After an absence due to an occupational illness ; 3° After an absence of at least thirty days due to an accident at work, non-occupational illness or accident or, at the initiative of the occupational physician, for an absence of less than thirty days. The resumption examination is organised within eight days…
A pre-reinstatement examination may be organised under the conditions set out in articles R. 4624-20 to R. 4624-21.
The occupational physician may prescribe any additional examinations necessary : 1° To determine the employee’s fitness for the job and, in particular, to screen for ailments which contraindicate the employee’s suitability for the job; 2° Screening for an occupational disease or disease of an occupational nature likely to result from the employee’s work; 3° Screening for conditions likely to expose the employee’s family and friends to the risk of contagion….
The medical examinations provided for in this sub-section are : 1° At the expense of the establishment when it has an independent occupational health and prevention service or when it is linked by agreement to a service shared by several administrations. The establishment provides the occupational physician with the means to ensure that the examinations remain anonymous. Insofar as these examinations cannot be carried out in the establishment, the occupational…
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