Article L3121-53 of the French Labour Code
Working hours may be converted into hours or days under the conditions set out in sub-sections 2 and 3 of this section.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book I: Working hours, rest periods and holidays | Title II: Hours of work, distribution and organisation of working hours | Chapter I: Working hours and working arrangements | Section 5: Fixed price agreements | Subsection 1: Public policy.
Working hours may be converted into hours or days under the conditions set out in sub-sections 2 and 3 of this section.
A fixed number of hours may be worked on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Days are calculated on an annual basis.
The lump-sum payment of working hours must be agreed by the employee and set out in a written individual lump-sum agreement.
Any employee may enter into an individual agreement for a fixed number of hours per week or per month. An individual agreement for a fixed number of hours over the year may be concluded, within the limit of the number of hours set in application of 3° of I of article L. 3121-64: 1° Managers whose duties do not require them to follow the collective timetable applicable to the workshop,…
The remuneration of an employee who has concluded an individual agreement for a fixed number of hours is at least equal to the minimum remuneration applicable in the company for the number of hours corresponding to his fixed number of hours, increased, where applicable, if the fixed number of hours includes overtime, by the supplements provided for in articles L. 3121-28, L. 3121-33 and L. 3121-36.
An individual agreement for a fixed number of days over the year may be concluded, within the limit of the number of days set in application of 3° of I of article L. 3121-64: 1° Managers who have autonomy in the organisation of their working hours and whose duties do not require them to follow the collective timetable applicable in the workshop, department or team to which they belong; 2°…
Employees who so wish may, in agreement with their employer, give up part of their rest days in return for an increase in their salary. The agreement between the employee and the employer must be in writing. A rider to the lump-sum agreement concluded between the employee and the employer determines the rate of the increase applicable to the remuneration for this additional working time, which may not be less…
The employer must regularly check that the employee’s workload is reasonable and that the work is spread out over the right amount of time.
When an employee who has entered into a fixed-term contract in days and who has reached the age stipulated in the first paragraph of article L. 161-22-1-5 of the Social Security Code requests to work reduced hours in relation to the maximum legal or contractual working time expressed in days, he shall send his request, under conditions set by decree, to the employer. In the absence of a written and…
When an employee who has entered into a fixed number of days agreement receives remuneration that is clearly unrelated to the duties imposed on him, he may, notwithstanding any contractual clause to the contrary, apply to the court for compensation calculated on the basis of the loss suffered, having regard in particular to the level of salary applied in the company and corresponding to his qualification.
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