Article D4625-23 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of Chapters I to IV are applicable to the medical surveillance of remote workers as defined in Article L. 4625-1, subject to the specific arrangements provided for in this section.
The provisions of Chapters I to IV are applicable to the medical surveillance of remote workers as defined in Article L. 4625-1, subject to the specific arrangements provided for in this section.
For the purposes of this section, the prevention and occupational health service responsible for monitoring workers in the establishment is called the main prevention and occupational health service. The inter-company occupational health and prevention service responsible for monitoring remote workers is called the local occupational health and prevention service.
Employers may join one or more local prevention and occupational health services located in the département where their remote workers mainly work. If an employer joins more than one local occupational health and prevention service, these services do not have jurisdiction over the same geographical area.
Employers may join a local prevention and occupational health service for their remote workers: 1° Either because the assignment of these remote workers outside the establishment employing them is sufficiently long term; 2° Or because these remote workers do not usually visit the establishment employing them.
The employer informs and consults the social and economic committee on the use of one or more local occupational health and prevention services for the medical surveillance of its remote workers.
When joining, the employer shall provide the local occupational health and safety service with the following information: 1° The list of workers concerned, including those covered by enhanced individual monitoring ; 2° The address of the site or sites to be monitored; 3° The company sheet provided for in Article R. 4624-37; 4° The contact details of the main occupational health and prevention service, the occupational physicians and the health…
The main prevention and occupational health service is informed by the employer within one month of joining the local prevention and occupational health service: 1° Details of the local prevention and occupational health service ; 2° The names and contact details of the occupational physicians and health professionals referred to in the first paragraph of Article L. 4624-1 who are competent ; 3° The list of workers monitored by the…
The occupational physician of the main prevention and occupational health service and the occupational physician of the local prevention and occupational health service exchange the information necessary for the performance of their duties.
The company sheet provided for in article R. 4624-37 is completed, where applicable, by the information provided by the occupational physician who leads and coordinates the multidisciplinary team of each of the local occupational health and prevention services responsible for monitoring remote workers.
The occupational health physician from the local prevention and occupational health service shall compile, complete and keep the occupational health medical file provided for in article L. 4624-8.
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