Article R5426-1 of the French Labour Code
The prefect is responsible for checking that people are fit to work, as set out in article L. 5421-1.
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The prefect is responsible for checking that people are fit to work, as set out in article L. 5421-1.
The officers responsible for carrying out the checks may ask Pôle emploi to provide them with any documents and information they need to carry out their checks.
The reason for deregistration mentioned in f of 3° of Article L. 5412-1 may only be invoked by Pôle emploi as part of the checks mentioned in II of Article L. 5426-1-2.
I.-The Director referred to in article R. 5312-26 shall withdraw the replacement income referred to in article L. 5421-1 for a limited period or definitively in accordance with the following procedures: 1° In the event of a second breach mentioned in c of 3° of article L. 5412-1, the replacement income will be withdrawn for a period of two consecutive months. From the third breach onwards, the replacement income is…
When considering a decision to withdraw the replacement income, the Director referred to in article R. 5312-26 will inform the person concerned in advance, by any means giving a date certain, of the facts of which he/she is accused and the duration of the proposed withdrawal, indicating that he/she has ten days in which to submit written observations or, if he/she so wishes, to ask to be heard, if necessary…
The Director referred to in Article R. 5312-26 shall take a decision within fifteen days of the expiry of the ten-day period within which the person concerned may submit written observations or, if the person concerned asks to be heard, from the date of the hearing. The decision is notified to the person concerned and reasons are given. It shall indicate the duration of the deletion and mention the appeal…
If the jobseeker concerned wishes to contest the decision to withdraw the replacement income, he/she may initiate mediation with the Pôle emploi regional mediator under the conditions set out in Articles R. 213-10 to R. 213-13 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
The Director referred to in article R. 5312-26 may impose the penalty provided for in this article for deliberate acts, in accordance with the procedures set out in article L. 5426-9 et seq. When considering imposing such a penalty, the Director shall first inform the person concerned in writing of the facts of which he or she is accused and of the penalty envisaged, indicating that he or she has…
The Director referred to in Article R. 5312-26 shall take a decision by any means giving a date certain within fifteen days of the expiry of the one-month period within which the person concerned may submit written observations or, if the person concerned asks to be heard, from the date of the hearing. The decision is notified to the person concerned and reasons are given. It shall indicate the amount…
If the jobseeker concerned wishes to contest the administrative penalty decision, he/she may initiate mediation with the Pôle emploi regional mediator under the conditions set out in Articles R. 213-10 to R. 213-13 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
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