Where, for one or more of the modes of exploitation, the line producer directly exploits an audiovisual work, he shall draw up the corresponding exploitation account in accordance with sub-section 1 of this section.
Within the time limits set out in Article L. 251-5 of this code, the line producer sends the operating account to the other co-producers, to the companies to which he is linked by a financing contract giving them a share in the box office receipts, to the authors listed in article L. 113-7 of the French Intellectual Property Code and, where applicable, to the publishers who have transferred the audiovisual adaptation rights for a printed work. For authors, this transmission replaces the provision of the statement of receipts provided for in article L. 132-28 of the same code.
The profit and loss account is also sent to any other natural or legal person with whom the line producer has signed a contract giving him a share in the profits from the exploitation of the work.