When the commitments of the insurance undertaking or supplementary occupational pension fund in respect of an allocation sub-account are no longer represented in at least an equivalent manner by the assets of this contract or relating to these commitments, the insurance undertaking or supplementary occupational pension fund completes this representation by allocating to the commitments relating to this sub-account assets representing its reserves or provisions, other than those representing its regulated commitments. These assets must be selected from the categories of investments mentioned in article R. 342-4.
This change of allocation of assets entails the allocation to the auxiliary accounts of the income from the rights attached to these assets, including the income corresponding to any tax credits and other tax credits attached to the holding of these same assets. The assets thus allocated to the auxiliary accounts are recorded in the balance sheet referred to in article R. 342-1 at their realisable value determined in accordance with articles R. 343-11 and R. 343-12. Any difference between this value and the previous book value is recognised in the insurance undertaking’s profit and loss account.
When the level of representation of its commitments under the auxiliary allocation accounts so permits, the insurance undertaking or the supplementary occupational retirement fund may reallocate assets representing the contract’s commitments, chosen from the asset categories defined in the first paragraph, to represent reserves or provisions other than those relating to these auxiliary allocation accounts. Assets reallocated in this way are recorded in the balance sheet at their realisable value, determined in accordance with articles R. 343-11 and R. 343-12. The difference between this value and the previous book value entered in the allocation balance sheet account is, where applicable, recorded in the income statement referred to in article R. 342-1. The cumulative realisable value of the assets thus reallocated, on the date of this reallocation, may not exceed the realisable value of the assets allocated to this auxiliary allocation account under the first paragraph on the date of this allocation.