The detailed description of the drinking water transport and distribution works referred to in article L. 2224-7-1 and the detailed description of the wastewater collection and transport works referred to in article L. 2224-8 include, on the one hand, a map of the networks showing the location of the general measuring devices and, on the other hand, an inventory of the networks including the length of pipes, the year or, if not, the period in which they were laid, the category of structure defined pursuant to article R. 554-2 of the Environment Code, the accuracy of the mapping information defined pursuant to V of Article R. 554-23 of the same code, as well as the information available on the materials used and the diameters of the pipes. The detailed description is updated and completed each year, mentioning the work carried out on the networks as well as the data acquired during the year, in particular in application of article R. 554-34 of the Environment Code.
The values of the knowledge and asset management indices for drinking water and wastewater collection networks mentioned in Annexes V and VI to the articles D. 2224-1, D. 2224-2 and D. 2224-3 account for the completion of detailed descriptions of the networks.