Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK II: MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES | TITLE II: MUNICIPAL SERVICES | CHAPTER IV: Public industrial and commercial services
The mayor of a municipality that exercises its own responsibilities for drinking water and wastewater treatment, or the chairman of a group of local authorities that exercises both drinking water and wastewater treatment responsibilities, may present a single annual report. If he chooses to present two separate reports, he shall show, in an introductory note, the total price of water and its various components using the indicators mentioned in annexes…
The municipal council of each municipality that is a member of a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation shall receive the annual report adopted by this establishment. In each municipality that has transferred at least one of its competencies in the field of drinking water or sanitation or the prevention and management of household and similar waste to one or more public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation, the mayor presents to the…
In communes or public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with 3,500 inhabitants or more, the annual report(s), as well as, where applicable, the introductory notes defined in articles D. 2224-1 to D. 2224-4, are made available to the public at the town hall and, where applicable, at the annexed town hall, or at the head office of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation. These elements, as well as the opinion of…
The detailed description of the drinking water transport and distribution works referred to in article L. 2224-7-1 and the detailed description of the wastewater collection and transport works referred to in article L. 2224-8 include, on the one hand, a map of the networks showing the location of the general measuring devices and, on the other hand, an inventory of the networks including the length of pipes, the year or,…
Except where this contribution is mandatory, the decision to contribute to the management and preservation of water resources is the subject of a deliberation by the public person mentioned in article L. 2224-7-5.
For the implementation of the measures mentioned in article L. 2224-7-7, a dedicated coordination unit and steering committee may be set up by the public person mentioned in article L. 2224-7-5. In the case of an area covered by a water development and management plan, the local water commission may be consulted on the action plan. Where several water supply areas overlap in whole or in part, the public bodies…
The report mentioned in the last paragraph of article R. 2224-5-3 also states the use of the right of pre-emption for the preservation of the quality of water resources intended for human consumption provided for in Chapter VIII of Title I of Book II of the Town Planning Code within the perimeter of the water supply area concerned. To this end, it includes a statement listing, for the year in…
The territorial diagnosis drawn up pursuant to articles L. 2224-7-2 and L. 2224-7-3 excludes no site on the basis of the legality of its occupation and no person with regard to their administrative situation. At the very least, it makes it possible to : 1° Identify and locate, on the basis of available local observation data and the expertise of local players, the people present in the area who do…
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