The territorial diagnosis drawn up pursuant to articles L. 2224-7-2 and L. 2224-7-3 excludes no site on the basis of the legality of its occupation and no person with regard to their administrative situation. At the very least, it makes it possible to :
1° Identify and locate, on the basis of available local observation data and the expertise of local players, the people present in the area who do not have sufficient access to water intended for human consumption;
2° Draw up an inventory of the methods of access to water, uses and practices, if necessary after a field survey, and analyse the causes and consequences of the inadequacies in access to water observed. Where appropriate, the inventory will make it possible to list the actions already implemented to promote access to water, to locate existing fountains and other water distribution equipment, water resources and energy sources and to present an assessment of their state of operation;
3° To make recommendations for actions or solutions designed to improve conditions of access to water;
4° Propose, where appropriate, support measures for the players involved in improving conditions of access to water;
5° Recommend suitable ways of informing the public about the solutions adopted to improve conditions of access to water and the conditions required to implement these solutions.
The municipalities or their public cooperation bodies may ask the department, the representative of the State in the department and civil society organisations to draw up this territorial analysis.
Information relating to the conditions of access to water in informal settlements, gathered as part of the diagnosis drawn up in application of articles L. 2224-7-2 and L. 2224-7-3, is made available to the public and the stakeholders concerned in accordance with the procedures defined by order of the minister responsible for housing.