Each year, within the framework of the coordination body provided for in article L. 1411-5-1, the Minister for Health shall draw up a provisional list of the referrals he intends to make to the High Council. It may also, in urgent cases, refer to the College or a specialised commission a request for an opinion to be issued within a specified timeframe.
When a matter is referred to the High Council which falls partly within the remit of one or more of the health agencies, or of the Haute Autorité de santé, the sponsor who initiated the referral, the president of the college or of the competent specialised commission and the ex officio members representing the bodies concerned will jointly determine, before the start of work on the subject giving rise to the referral, the subject, the timetable and the methods by which the High Council and the bodies concerned will collaborate or work in a complementary manner to respond to the referral, in compliance with the principles of the Health Expertise Charter mentioned in article L. 1452-2.