The collective wastewater treatment charge comprises a variable part and, where applicable, a fixed part.
The variable part is determined on the basis of the volume of water taken by the user from the public distribution network or from any other source, the use of which generates the discharge of wastewater collected by the wastewater service. This volume is calculated under the conditions defined in articles R. 2224-19-3 and R. 2224-19-4.
The fixed part is calculated to cover all or part of the fixed costs of the wastewater service.
Volumes of water used for irrigation and watering gardens, or for any other use that does not generate wastewater that can be discharged into the wastewater system, as long as they come from specific connections, are not taken into account when calculating the wastewater treatment charge.
When a subscriber benefits from a capping of the drinking water bill under the conditions provided for by articles L. 2224-12-4 and R. 2224-20-1, the volumes of water attributable to water leaks on the pipe after the meter are not included in the calculation of the sanitation charge. These volumes of water are assessed on the basis of the difference between the volume of water whose abnormal increase justified the capping of the drinking water bill and the average volume of water consumed determined under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of III bis of article L. 2224-12-4.