Article L942-15 of the French Commercial code
The second paragraph of article L. 251-7 is deleted.
The second paragraph of article L. 251-7 is deleted.
The second and third paragraphs of article L. 310-1 are deleted.
The second paragraph of I and II of article L. 310-2 are deleted.
The second paragraph of I of article L. 310-3 is deleted.
The 1°, 2° and 3° of article L. 310-5 are deleted.
In article L. 322-1, the words: “articles L. 221-4 of the Code des procédures civiles d’exécution and 945 of the Code de procédure civile” are replaced by the words: “the locally applicable provisions of civil procedure relating to the sale of movable property belonging to an estate”.
Article L. 322-11 reads as follows: “Art. L. 322-11 -Disputes relating to sales carried out pursuant to deliberations in force locally relating to the voluntary wholesale auction sale of goods by sworn brokers shall be brought before the mixed commercial court. “
Article L. 322-15 reads as follows: “Art. L. 322-15 -It is always up to the court or judge that authorises or orders the sale pursuant to the preceding article, to designate, if necessary, another class of public officials other than sworn brokers to carry out the sale. “
Article L. 322-16 reads as follows: “Art. L. 322-16-The provisions of article L. 322-11 are applicable to the sales referred to in articles L. 322-14 and L. 322-15. “
For its application in French Polynesia, Article L. 123-11-5 of the French Commercial Code is supplemented by a paragraph worded as follows: Customs officers are qualified to investigate and establish breaches of the provisions of this chapter and the regulations adopted for its application by persons or organisations carrying out domiciliation activities, as defined by locally applicable regulations. Infringements are recorded in reports, which are authentic until proven otherwise and…
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