Article L1153-4 of the French Labour Code
Any provision or act contrary to the provisions of articles L. 1153-1 and L. 1153-2 is null and void.
Any provision or act contrary to the provisions of articles L. 1153-1 and L. 1153-2 is null and void.
The employer shall take all necessary steps to prevent, put an end to and punish acts of sexual harassment. In the workplace and on the premises or at the door of the premises where recruitment takes place, the persons referred to in article L. 1153-2 shall be informed by any means of the text ofarticle 222-33 of the French Penal Code, as well as of the civil and criminal proceedings…
In all companies employing at least two hundred and fifty people, a representative is appointed to guide, inform and support employees in the fight against sexual harassment and gender-based harassment.
Any employee who engages in sexual harassment is liable to disciplinary action.
When a dispute arises relating to the application of Articles L. 1152-1 to L. 1152-3 and L. 1153-1 to L. 1153-4, the applicant for a job, an internship or a period of training in a company or the employee presents evidence suggesting the existence of harassment. In the light of this evidence, the onus is on the defendant to prove that the conduct does not constitute harassment and that its…
The representative trade union organisations in the company may take all legal action resulting from articles L. 1152-1 to L. 1152-3 and L. 1153-1 to L. 1153-4. They may take such action on behalf of an employee of the undertaking under the conditions set out in article L. 1154-1, provided that they have the written agreement of the person concerned. The person concerned may always intervene in the proceedings initiated…
Interfering or attempting to interfere with the proper performance of the duties of a mediator, as provided for in article L. 1152-6, is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 Euros.
Acts of discrimination committed as a result of moral or sexual harassment as defined in articles L. 1152-2, L. 1153-2 and L. 1153-3 of this code are punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of €3,750. The court may also order, as an additional penalty, the posting of the judgment at the expense of the convicted person under the conditions set out in article 131-35 of the French Penal…
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