Article L2512-12 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The Prefect of Paris and the Prefect of Police are, within the scope of their respective attributions, the representatives of the State on the territory of the City of Paris. .
The Prefect of Paris and the Prefect of Police are, within the scope of their respective attributions, the representatives of the State on the territory of the City of Paris. .
I.-In the City of Paris, the Prefect of Police exercises the powers and duties conferred upon him by the Consuls’ decree of 12 messidor an VIII which determines the duties of the Prefect of Police in Paris and by the texts which have modified it as well as by articles L. 2512-7, L. 2512-14 et L. 2512-17. II.-However, the Mayor of Paris is responsible for the municipal police in matters…
The Prefect of Police and the Mayor of Paris shall lead the crime prevention policy and coordinate its implementation in Paris under the conditions laid down in Section 3 of Chapter II of Title III of Book I of the Code of Internal Security.
I. – The Mayor of Paris exercises the powers conferred on the Mayor by Section 1 of Chapter III of Title I of Book II of this Part, subject to II to VII of this Article. II. – On certain sites, roads or portions of roads determined by order of the Prefect of Police after consultation with the Mayor of Paris, the Prefect of Police shall permanently regulate traffic or…
The duties of City of Paris police officers and Paris surveillance officers, and the conditions under which they carry them out, are defined by the provisions of Title III of Book V of the Internal Security Code.
The Prefect of Police is responsible for fire rescue and defence. He retains the powers he exercises by virtue of the special law on the subject. As such, the Paris Fire Brigade is the territorially competent fire and rescue service responsible for the missions mentioned in Article L. 1424-2. Placed for employment under the authority of the Paris Police Prefect, the missions and organisation of the Paris Fire Brigade are…
The revenue and expenditure of the Paris fire brigade are entered in the special budget of the police prefecture.
The State contributes to the operating expenses of the Paris fire brigade, including maintenance, repairs and barracks rent. Within the double limit of the allocations entered in the State budget and the payments made by the police prefecture during the financial year in question, the State’s contribution is equal to 25%. 100 of the following expenditure entered in the special budget of the Police Prefecture: 1° Remuneration of military personnel…
Subject to this subsection, the City of Paris is subject to Book III of Parts Two and Three. The City of Paris is also subject to articles L. 5217-10-1 to L. 5217-10-15 and L. 5217-12-2 to L. 5217-12-5 as well as the list of compulsory expenditure for communes and départements mentioned in articles L. 2321-2 and L. 3321-1.
The expenditure and revenue of the Police Prefecture are covered by a special budget.
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