Article D212-69-1 of the French Sports Code
The training programmes leading to the award of these diplomas are based on the principle of alternating periods of training at the training centre with work experience under tutorial supervision.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Sports Code | Regulatory part - Decrees | BOOK II: PLAYERS IN SPORT | TITLE I: TRAINING AND EDUCATION | Chapter II: Teaching sport for remuneration | Section 1: Obligation to qualify | Subsection 2: Diplomas, professional qualifications or qualification certificates | Page 4
The training programmes leading to the award of these diplomas are based on the principle of alternating periods of training at the training centre with work experience under tutorial supervision.
The training programmes and the procedures for obtaining the diplomas are set by order of the Minister for Sport, after consultation with the permanent sections of the competent specialised commission of the Higher Council for Mountain Sports. The national ski and mountaineering school provides the training mentioned in the first paragraph, as well as assessing the candidates.
Foreign diplomas are accepted as equivalent to the diplomas mentioned in article L. 212-1 by the Minister responsible for sport after receiving the opinion of the commission for the recognition of qualifications, the composition of which, including in particular representatives of the administration, employers and technical staff, is set in accordance with article D. 212-84-1.
The Commission for the Recognition of Qualifications referred to in article R. 212-84 is attached to the Minister for Sport. It is chaired by the Director of Sport or his representative. Its members are appointed by order of the Minister for Sport for a period of five years. In addition to its chairman, its composition is as follows: 1° Four representatives appointed by the ministers concerned, including : a) Two…
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