Article L7321-1 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this Code shall apply to branch managers to the extent provided for in this Title.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book III: Travellers, representatives or salespersons, managers of branches, salaried entrepreneurs associated with a cooperative of activity and employment and workers using an electronic contact platform. | Title II: Branch managers
The provisions of this Code shall apply to branch managers to the extent provided for in this Title.
A branch manager is any person : 1° who is entrusted by the head of the business or with his agreement, to make himself available to customers during their stay in the premises or outbuildings of the business, with a view to receiving deposits of clothing or other objects from them or to rendering them services of any kind; 2° Whose profession essentially consists of : a) Selling goods of…
The head of the company who supplies the goods or on whose behalf the orders are collected or the goods to be processed, handled or transported are received is only responsible for the application to salaried branch managers of the provisions of Book I of Part Three relating to working hours, rest periods and holidays and those of Part Four relating to health and safety at work if he has…
Branch managers are responsible for the application of the provisions mentioned in 1° to 5° of article L. 7321-3 with regard to the employees under their authority, in place and stead of the company manager with whom they have contracted, provided that they have complete freedom to recruit, dismiss and set the working conditions of these employees.
Any agreement contrary to the provisions of this chapter is null and void.
The provisions of Chapter I are applicable to self-employed managers as defined in article L. 7322-2, subject to the provisions of this chapter. The company owning the branch is responsible for applying the provisions of Book I of Part Three relating to working hours, rest periods and holidays for the benefit of self-employed managers, as well as those of Part Four relating to health and safety at work when the…
A self-employed manager is any person who operates, in return for discounts proportional to the amount of sales, branches of food retail businesses or consumer co-operatives where the contract does not set out the terms and conditions of his work and leaves him free to hire employees or arrange for replacements at his own expense and under his own responsibility. The exclusive supply clause with fixed-price sales is a commercial…
Collective agreements setting out the conditions to be met by individual contracts concluded between companies and their self-employed branch managers are governed, as regards their validity, duration, termination, scope, effects and penalties, by the provisions of Book II of Part Two. These agreements determine, in particular, the minimum remuneration guaranteed to self-employed managers, taking into account the size of the branch and its operating methods.
The provisions of the collective agreements mentioned in article L. 7322-3 may, after consultation with the professional organisations concerned, be made compulsory by the administrative authority for all food retailers and consumer cooperatives within their scope. In the absence of such agreements, the administrative authority may, after consultation with the professional organisations concerned, lay down, either for the specific region or for the entire territory, the conditions to be met…
Disputes between companies and their self-employed managers fall within the jurisdiction of the commercial courts when they concern the commercial terms and conditions of operation of branches. Disputes concerning the working conditions of self-employed managers fall within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunals.
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