Article R2315-8 of the French Labour Code
The list of training bodies referred to in article L. 2315-17 is drawn up by the Regional Prefect after consulting the Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Book III: Employee representative bodies | Title I: Social and Economic Committee | Chapter V: Operation | Section 1: Common provisions | Subsection 5: Training
The list of training bodies referred to in article L. 2315-17 is drawn up by the Regional Prefect after consulting the Regional Committee for Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance.
The training of the members of the staff delegation of the social and economic committee referred to in article L. 2315-18 is intended to: 1° Develop their ability to detect and measure occupational risks and their capacity to analyse working conditions; 2° To introduce them to the methods and procedures to be implemented to prevent occupational risks and improve working conditions.
The training is provided as soon as the members of the staff delegation of the social and economic committee are appointed for the first time. It is provided in accordance with a pre-established theoretical and practical programme which takes account of: 1° The characteristics of the company’s professional sector; 2° The specific characteristics of the company; 3° The role of the representative on the social and economic committee.
Renewal of the training of members of the staff delegation of the Social and Economic Committee is the subject of courses separate from that organised in application of article R. 2315-9. The purpose of this renewal is to enable members of the staff delegation to update their knowledge and improve their skills. To this end, the programme drawn up by the training body is more specialised. It is adapted to…
Training in health, safety and working conditions for members of the Social and Economic Committee staff delegation is provided either by bodies on a list drawn up by the Minister for Employment in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article R. 2145-3, or by bodies approved by the Regional Prefect in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article R. 2315-8.
Bodies applying to be included on the list drawn up by the regional prefect must establish their suitability to provide training for members of the staff delegation of the social and economic committee, in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph 1. In particular, they must provide evidence of the skills of their trainers and of the experience acquired by the latter in the field of occupational risk prevention and working…
When a body ceases to meet the qualifications that justified its inclusion on the prefectoral list, it is removed from the list by reasoned decision of the regional prefect. This decision is taken after consulting the regional committee for employment, training and vocational guidance.
At the end of the course, the training organisation will issue a certificate of attendance, which the trainee will give to their employer when they return to work.
Each year, before 30th March, training bodies submit a report on their activities over the past year to the Minister for Employment or to regional prefects, as the case may be. This report shall indicate the number of courses organised and their programmes.
Any member of the social and economic committee staff delegation who wishes to take advantage of his or her right to training leave shall submit a request to the employer. This request shall specify the date on which the member wishes to take the leave, the duration of the leave, the cost of the course and the name of the organisation responsible for providing the course. The request for leave…
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