Article L2171-1 of the French Public procurement code
The following are global contracts awarded by way of derogation from the principle of allotment:1° Design-build contracts;2° Global performance contracts;3° Global sectoral contracts.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public procurement code | Legislative part | PART TWO: PUBLIC PROCUREMENT | Book I: GENERAL PROVISIONS | Title VII: RULES APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN MARKETS
The following are global contracts awarded by way of derogation from the principle of allotment:1° Design-build contracts;2° Global performance contracts;3° Global sectoral contracts.
A design-build contract is a works contract enabling the purchaser to entrust an economic operator with the task of both drawing up the studies and carrying out the works. Purchasers subject to the provisions of Book IV may only enter into a design-build contract, regardless of the value, if technical reasons or a contractual commitment relating to improving energy efficiency or the construction of a new building that exceeds current…
A comprehensive performance contract combines operation or maintenance with the provision or design and implementation of services to meet quantified performance targets. These targets are defined in particular in terms of level of activity, quality of service, energy efficiency or ecological impact.The comprehensive performance contract includes measurable performance commitments.
The State may entrust an economic operator with a comprehensive assignment covering : 1° The design, construction, fitting out, upkeep and maintenance of buildings assigned to the national police force, the national gendarmerie, the armed forces or departments of the Ministry of Defence, the Paris fire brigade or assigned by the State to the training of personnel involved in civil defence and security missions; 2° Designing, building and fitting out…
Public health establishments, the bodies referred to in article L. 124-4 of the Social Security Code that manage health establishments and health cooperation structures with a public law legal personality may entrust an economic operator with a global mission relating to the design, construction, fitting out, upkeep or maintenance of buildings or equipment assigned to the performance of their missions.
I. – Société du Grand Paris may award an overall contract to an economic operator for all or part of the design, construction and development of the infrastructure of the Greater Paris public transport network within the meaning of II of Article 7 of Law no. 2010-597 of 3 June 2010 on Greater Paris, or of the public transport infrastructure for which it is responsible, on construction and property development…
Ile-de-France Mobilités may award an overall contract to an economic operator for the design, construction and fitting out of maintenance and storage sites for the modes of transport (bus, tramway, tram-train, metro) that it organises as part of its remit.
The conditions of performance of a global contract involving the design of a work include the obligation to identify a project management team responsible for the design of this work and for monitoring its completion. For building works, the task entrusted to the project management team includes the elements of the task defined in article L. 2431-1 adapted to the specific nature of global contracts, in accordance with the conditions…
The overall contract stipulates the minimum proportion of the contract performance that the contractor undertakes to entrust to small and medium-sized enterprises or craftsmen. This minimum share is established under conditions laid down by regulation.
Prior to awarding a project management contract for the construction of a building, the purchaser subject to the provisions of Book IV organises a competition, under the conditions and subject to the exceptions, depending on the value of the contract or the nature of the projects entrusted, laid down by regulation.
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