Article 250 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure
The assessors are appointed by order of the First President.
The assessors are appointed by order of the First President.
If the assessors are prevented from attending before the opening of the session, they are replaced by order of the first president. If the assessors are prevented from attending during the session, they are replaced by order of the president of the assize court and chosen from among the judges of the court of appeal or of the tribunal, seat of the assize court.
When the session is opened, the president of the assize court may, if necessary, appoint one or more additional assessors.
Magistrates who, in the case submitted to the Assize Court, have either carried out an act of prosecution or investigation, or participated in the indictment or in a decision on the merits relating to the guilt of the accused, may not sit on the court as president or assessor. .
The jury is composed of citizens appointed in accordance with the provisions of the following articles.
Only citizens of either sex, aged over twenty-three, who can read and write in French, enjoy political, civil and family rights, and are not in any of the cases of incapacity or incompatibility listed in the following two articles, may serve as jurors. .
Sont incapables d’être jurés : 1° Persons whose bulletin no. 1 of the criminal record mentions a conviction for a felony or misdemeanour; 2° (Repealed); 3° Those who are in a state of indictment or in absentia and those who are under warrant of committal or arrest; 4° Civil servants and agents of the State, departments and communes, dismissed from their functions; 5° Dismissed ministerial officers and members of professional…
Jury duty is incompatible with those listed below: 1° Member of the Government, of Parliament, of the Constitutional Council, of the High Council of the Judiciary and of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council; 2° Member of the Council of State or of the Court of Auditors, magistrate of the judiciary, member of the administrative courts, magistrate of the commercial courts, assessor of the joint courts for rural leases and…
Persons over the age of seventy or who do not have their main residence in the department in which the assize court has its seat may be exempted from jury duty when they apply to the commission provided for in Article 262. In addition, persons may be exempted from these duties if they invoke a serious reason recognised as valid by the commission.
Excluded from or struck off the annual list of jurors and the special list of alternate jurors are those who have served as jurors in the department for less than five years. A moral objection of a secular or religious nature does not constitute a serious reason likely to justify exclusion from the list of jurors. The committee provided for in Article 262 may also exclude persons who, for a…
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