Where the service area of a distribution organisation and a regulated sales tariff supplier coincides with the territory of a single concession, the information required to draw up this report is recorded and communicated for the territory covered by that concession.
When the service area of a distribution organisation and a regulated sales tariff supplier covers the territory of several concessions, this information is communicated concession by concession. Any such information which, for reasons of technical or economic efficiency or because of the specific features of the activity, is recorded over a territory exceeding that of each concession concerned shall be communicated concession by concession by means of appropriate distribution keys specified in the report.
The methods used to establish the distribution keys and their value are identical throughout the service area. Any changes to the allocation keys are subject to consultation with the conceding authorities and are justified in the annual report.
Statistical information is provided, as far as possible, on a concession-by-concession basis. However, information that cannot be broken down may relate to several concessions.