In wastewater agglomerations whose population and economic activities produce wastewater with a gross organic pollution load of more than 600 kg per day and whose discharges occur in a sensitive area defined in articles 6 and 7 of decree no. 94-469 of 3 June 1994, the treatment mentioned in article R. 2224-11 is more stringent treatment than that provided for in article R. 2224-13.
This more stringent treatment is applicable in the new sensitive areas delimited pursuant to article 7 of the decree of 3 June 1994 within a period set for each sanitation agglomeration by the prefect and which may not exceed seven years after the date of the revision order which delimited them under the conditions defined in article 6 of the same decree.
The setting of this deadline is established after consultation with the municipalities and public establishments responsible for collective sanitation in each sanitation agglomeration.