Independent of the contribution to the initial establishment, maintenance and operating expenses provided for in article L. 1331-10 of the code de la santé publique, any discharge of wastewater other than domestic into the public sewerage system gives rise to the payment, by the discharger, of a sewerage fee based:
– either on a specific assessment determined on the basis of criteria defined by the authority mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 2224-19-1 and taking into account, in particular, the size, nature and characteristics of the discharge and, where applicable, the quantity of water withdrawn;
– either in accordance with the procedures set out in articles R. 2224-19-2 to R. 2224-19-4. In this case, the variable part may be corrected to take account of the degree of pollution and the nature of the discharge, as well as its actual impact on the wastewater service. The correction coefficients are set by the authority mentioned in the first paragraph of article R. 2224-19-1.