The provisions of this section apply to the wastewater mentioned in articles L. 2224-8 et L. 2224-10.
For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
-“sewerage agglomeration” means an area in which the population and economic activities are sufficiently concentrated to make it possible to collect wastewater for conveyance to a treatment plant or final discharge point ;
-“gross organic pollution load” means the weight of oxygen corresponding to the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) calculated on the basis of the average daily load for the week during which the highest load of polluting substances is produced in the year;
-“population equivalent (p.e.)” means the biodegradable organic load with a five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of 60 grams of oxygen per day.
The prefect draws up the list of sanitation agglomerations, determining the sanitation systems as defined in heading of the nomenclature appended to article R. 214-1 of the Environment Code that make them up. This decree is published in the prefecture’s registry of administrative acts.
For wastewater treatment plants whose perimeter extends over several départements, the order establishing the list of wastewater treatment plants is issued jointly by the prefects concerned. The prefect of the department in which the wastewater treatment plant intended to receive the largest gross organic pollution load is located is responsible for conducting the procedure.
For wastewater agglomerations whose perimeter extends over more than two departments in the Ile-de-France region, the competent administrative authority is the regional prefect.