Article 1436 of the French Code of civil procedure
In the event of refusal or silence on the part of the depositary, the president of the judicial court, seized by petition, shall rule, the applicant and the depositary being heard or summoned.
In the event of refusal or silence on the part of the depositary, the president of the judicial court, seized by petition, shall rule, the applicant and the depositary being heard or summoned.
The decision is provisionally enforceable. The appeal is lodged, investigated and judged as in non-contentious matters.
The party may obtain a copy of an unregistered or imperfect document; he must apply to the president of the judicial court. The request shall be made by petition. In the event of refusal or silence on the part of the custodian of the document, the matter shall be referred to the president of the judicial court.
The party wishing to obtain the issue of a second enforceable copy of an authentic instrument must apply to the president of the judicial court. The request shall be made by petition. In the event of refusal or silence on the part of the depositary of the instrument, the matter shall be referred to the president of the judicial court.
The registrars and depositories of public registers or repertoires are required to issue copies or extracts to all applicants, subject to their rights and provided that the decision is precisely identified.
In the event of refusal or silence maintained for two months from the date of the request, the president of the judicial court or, if the refusal emanates from a registrar, the president of the court with which the registrar exercises his functions, seized by petition, shall rule, the applicant being heard or called. The appeal is lodged, investigated and judged as in non-contentious matters.
The information enabling the natural persons mentioned in the decision to be identified, where they are parties or third parties, shall be blacked out by the court clerk before the decision is handed down if its disclosure would be likely to undermine the security or privacy of these persons or their entourage. In any event, this concealment is carried out when it has been decided, for these persons, in application…
An appeal against a decision taken pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 1440-1-1 shall be brought, by application lodged by a lawyer, before the president of the court with which the court clerk performs his duties. The president shall rule by order, after hearing or summoning, if possible, the applicant and the natural persons, parties or third parties mentioned in the decision. Where the contested decision concerns a judgment…
Applications made pursuant to Articles 2 to 20 of Order no. 2009-515 of 7 May 2009 relating to the review procedures applicable to public procurement contracts shall be lodged, investigated and judged under the accelerated procedure on the merits. A judge who intends to take one of the measures provided for in articles 3, 6 and 15 to 18 of this order of his own motion must first invite the…
I. – The judge shall rule within twenty days on applications submitted to him pursuant to Articles 2 and 5 of the aforementioned Order. II. – The judge may not rule on these applications before the sixteenth day following the date on which the decision awarding the contract was sent to the economic operators who submitted an application or a tender. This period shall be reduced to the eleventh day…
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