Article R5815-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
In the case of the creation of a trade union commission, the Minister of the Interior exercises the powers of the Prefect.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART FIVE: LOCAL COOPERATION | BOOK VIII: SPECIAL PROVISIONS
In the case of the creation of a trade union commission, the Minister of the Interior exercises the powers of the Prefect.
The provisions of chapter 5 of Title I of Book II of this part.
The provisions of article D. 5212-16.
For the application to Mayotte of the provisions of Part Five of this Code: 1° The reference to the department, overseas department, region or overseas region is replaced by the reference to the Department of Mayotte; 2° The reference to the regional council and departmental councils is replaced by the reference to the general council; 3° The reference to the president of the regional council is replaced by the reference…
I. – The provisions of articles R. 5211-19 to R. 5211-40 shall apply to Mayotte subject to the adaptations provided for in II. II. – For the application in Mayotte of the provisions mentioned in I: 1° Article R. 5211-20 reads as follows: “Art. R. 5211-20.-The five most populous communes have half of the number of seats set by the decree mentioned in article R. 5211-19 for the communes. The…
For the application of the provisions of Part Five in French Polynesia: 1° The references to the representative of the State in the department or to the representatives of the State in the departments are replaced by the reference to the High Commissioner of the Republic in French Polynesia; 2° The reference to the departmental commission for inter-municipal cooperation is replaced by the reference to the commission for inter-municipal cooperation…
Article R. 5211-1, with the exception of its second paragraph, is applicable in French Polynesia.
I. – Articles R. 5211-3 to D. 5211-5-2 are applicable in French Polynesia in their wording resulting from Decree no. 2021-258 of 9 March 2021 subject to the adaptations provided for in II to V. II. – For the application of Article R. 5211-3 : 1° The reference to Article L. 5332-1 is deleted; 2° The references to Articles L. 5214-1, L. 5215-1, and L. 5216-1 are replaced by references…
I. – The articles R. 5211-9 to R. 5211-11 are applicable in French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II. II. – For the application of article R. 5211-9, the words: “in the department where the establishment has its registered office” are deleted. .
I. – The articles R. 5211-13 to R. 5211-15, with the exception of its first paragraph, article R. 5211-18 and article R. 5211-18-1 are applicable in French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II. II. – For the application of article R. 5211-13, the words: “of Book III of Part Two” are replaced by the words: “of Section 4 of Chapter III of Title VII of Book V…
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