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Article L3231-11 of the French Labour Code

Improvements in purchasing power that have occurred in application of article L. 3231-10 since 1st January of the previous year are taken into account when applying the rule set out in article L. 3231-8 when setting the minimum growth wage each year.

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Article L3231-12 of the French Labour Code

A guaranteed minimum is determined on the basis of changes in the national consumer price index by application of the provisions of article L. 3231-4. It is used in particular to assess benefits in kind. This guaranteed minimum may be raised, by regulation, to a higher level than that resulting from the application of the first paragraph.

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Article L3232-1 of the French Labour Code

Any employee whose working hours are at least equal to the legal weekly working hours shall receive, if he is not an apprentice, remuneration at least equal to the minimum fixed under the conditions provided for in Section 2. These provisions do not apply to temporary employees.

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Article L3232-2 of the French Labour Code

Each year, as an annex to the Finance Bill, the government shall submit a report on the application of this chapter, indicating in particular: 1° The number of employees benefiting from the supplementary allowance established by article L. 3232-5 ; 2° The cost of paying the allowance provided for in 1° for the previous year; 3° The number of beneficiaries of public total unemployment benefits and public partial activity benefits…

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Article L3232-3 of the French Labour Code

The minimum monthly remuneration is equal to the product of the amount of the minimum growth wage as set in application of articles L. 3231-2 to L. 3231-12, multiplied by the number of hours corresponding to the legal weekly working time for the month in question. After deduction of the compulsory contributions deducted by the employer, it may not exceed the net remuneration that would have been received for actual…

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Article L3232-4 of the French Labour Code

The minimum monthly remuneration is reduced accordingly when : 1° During the month in question, the employee has worked fewer hours than the legal weekly working time in the event of suspension of the employment contract; 2° The employment contract began or ended during the month in question.

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Article L3232-5 of the French Labour Code

When, as a result of a reduction in working hours below the legal weekly working hours for reasons other than those listed in Article L. 3232-4, an employee has received a total sum in the course of a month, by way of salary and partial activity allowance, which is less than the minimum remuneration, he shall be allocated an additional allowance equal to the difference between the minimum remuneration and…

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Article L3232-9 of the French Labour Code

Decrees in the Conseil d’Etat will determine the terms and conditions for the application of this chapter, in particular: 1° The conditions, procedures and deadlines for reimbursement by the State of its share of the supplementary allowance ; 2° Where necessary, the special arrangements applicable to employees in agriculture, construction and public works, professional seamen, professional dockers, employees working from home, intermittent employees, disabled workers and seasonal employees during the…

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