Article L2544-12 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
Enjoyment of communal property may only be granted on a revocable basis.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK V: SPECIAL PROVISIONS | TITLE IV: MUNICIPALITIES IN THE DEPARTMENTS OF MOSELLE, BAS-RHIN AND HAUT-RHIN | CHAPTER IV : Specific interests of certain categories of residents | Page 2
Enjoyment of communal property may only be granted on a revocable basis.
Where, according to a former custom, communal property is granted in separate and distinct lots and the number of entitled parties is greater than that of the lots, the admission of a new beneficiary can only take place when a lot has become vacant. If several entitled parties present themselves in the event of a vacancy, the custom decides which of them is admitted to the enjoyment of the vacant…
In the absence of private rights based on a special title, all inhabitants of the commune have equal rights to the use of the commune’s public institutions and establishments, in accordance with the regulations enacted for this purpose, as well as to the enjoyment of communal property. Excluded from the enjoyment of communal property are military personnel on peacetime strength, with the exception of military civil servants, persons who do…
The admission of rightful claimants may not be subject to any fee.
Objections to decisions of the mayor or decisions of the municipal council concerning the use of public institutions and establishments of the commune or the enjoyment of communal property are, insofar as they are not private law claims based on a special title, judged by the full contentious procedure.
For public auction sales, the mayor is assisted by two municipal councillors and notifies the municipal collector. The mayor may even order that the municipal collector be present.
Complaints relating to the operations preceding the auction or to the auction itself shall, no later than the day of the auction, be addressed to the mayor either in writing or by oral statement taken in the minutes. Complaints are judged by the mayor and the two assistant municipal councillors, by a majority of votes. An appeal against their decision is open to the interested party within three days of…
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