Article D2513-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The commune of Marseille is divided into sixteen municipal arrondissements, in accordance with the table of districts and the plan appended to decree no. 46-2285 of 18 October 1946.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK V: SPECIAL PROVISIONS | TITLE I: PARIS, MARSEILLE AND LYON | CHAPTER III: Provisions specific to the communes of Marseille and Lyon
The commune of Marseille is divided into sixteen municipal arrondissements, in accordance with the table of districts and the plan appended to decree no. 46-2285 of 18 October 1946.
The Marseille municipal social action centre is subject to the provisions of articles 39 and 40 of decree no. 95-562 of 6 May 1995 relating to municipal and inter-municipal social action centres and the municipal social action centre sections of associated municipalities and laying down special provisions applicable to the Marseille and Lyon municipal social action centres.
The commune of Lyon is divided into nine municipal districts in accordance with the plan annexed to decree no. 64-846 of 12 August 1964.
The Lyon municipal social action centre is subject to the provisions of decree no. 95-562 of 6 May 1995 relating to municipal and inter-municipal social action centres and the municipal social action centre sections of associated municipalities and laying down special provisions applicable to the Marseille and Lyon municipal social action centres.
I. – The Marseille marine firefighters battalion is a formation of the national navy with specific territorial jurisdiction permanently invested with a civil security mission within the meaning of the article L721-2 of the internal security code. It carries out the missions mentioned in article L. 1424-2, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 2513-3, under the following conditions: a) Under the direction and according to the orders of…
The command of the battalion is exercised by a general officer of the marine officer corps. The battalion commander has deputies to whom he may delegate his signature within the limits of their respective attributions. The Marseille marine firefighters battalion is placed: – for employment, under the authority of the mayor of Marseille acting within the scope of his powers in terms of fire rescue and defence; – organically, under…
The mayor of Marseille may grant a delegation of signature to the commander of the Marseille marine firefighters battalion and, in the event of the commander’s absence or impediment, to the commander’s designated replacement or other deputies where applicable.
The commander of the Marseilles marine fire brigade is responsible, in the area of jurisdiction provided for under I and II of article L. 2513-3 and for the missions defined in article R. 2513-5, the implementation of all fire-fighting and rescue resources, under the conditions set out in the operational regulations drawn up by the Prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône in accordance with article L. 1424-4 and published in the department’s recueil…
The Marseilles marine firefighters battalion participates in the development and implementation of the measures provided for in article L. 1321-2 of the Defence Code with regard to civil defence, as well as to the emergency organisation plans provided for in articles L741-1 to L741-6 of the Internal Security Code. The operational regulations determine the conditions under which the marine fire brigade battalion and the departmental fire and rescue service make…
The Marseille marine firefighters battalion is made up of a headquarters, intervention units, service and support units, training units, including the marine firefighters school, and a health and medical rescue service. An order by the Minister of Defence, issued after consultation with the Marseille city council, specifies the operational organisation and administrative procedures of the formation.
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