Article R6231-1 of the French Labour Code
The director of the training organisation providing apprenticeship training is responsible for implementing the tasks and obligations of the apprentice training centre.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book II: Apprenticeships | Title III: Specific provisions applicable to apprentice training centres
The director of the training organisation providing apprenticeship training is responsible for implementing the tasks and obligations of the apprentice training centre.
Apprentice training centres may, by agreement, entrust the consular chambers with one or more of the tasks mentioned in 1° to 14° of article L. 6231-2. The agreement must include the following information 1° The name of the consular chamber signing the agreement; 2° The tasks entrusted ; 3° The resources used to carry out the assignment(s); 4° The financing arrangements; 5° The methods chosen to monitor, control and evaluate…
The advanced training council provided for in article L. 6231-3 is placed under the supervision of the director of the training organisation providing apprenticeship training.
The Development Committee examines and discusses issues relating to the organisation and operation of the apprentice training centre, in particular : 1° The apprentice training centre’s educational project ; 2° The general conditions for welcoming and supporting apprentices, particularly disabled apprentices, and for promoting gender diversity and national and international mobility; 3° The organisation and running of training courses; 4° The general conditions for the preparation and further training of…
The Development Committee is chaired by the director of the training body providing apprenticeship training or his representative. However, for the apprentice training centres of the establishments mentioned inarticle L. 811-8 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, the second paragraph of article R. 811-46 of the same code is applicable. The internal regulations referred to in article R. 6352-1 define the operating procedures of the advanced training council and…
The agreement provided for in article L. 6232-1 sets out the conditions under which all or part of the teaching normally provided by the apprentice training centre is provided by the structures mentioned in this article. The implementation of this agreement is without prejudice to the tasks and obligations of the apprentice training centre set out in articles L. 6231-2 to L. 6231-7.
The agreement specifies in particular: 1° Its purpose ; 2° Its period of validity ; 3° A description of the organisation of the training and teaching facilities; 4° The number of apprentices who may be taken on at any one time; 5° The human resources required to provide the training; 6° Where applicable, the provision of accommodation; 7° The financing arrangements.
For courses provided by one or more companies, the agreement also stipulates that the company guarantees the nature of the equipment made available to apprentices and the technology to which they have access.
The agreement between an educational establishment and an apprentice training centre creating an apprenticeship training unit in the establishment is concluded for a duration at least equal to that of the training cycle, necessary for the acquisition of a vocational qualification, for which it has been opened. This agreement is implemented without prejudice to the tasks and obligations of the apprentice training centre as set out in articles L. 6231-2…
The agreement creating an apprenticeship training unit determines in particular: 1° The recruitment, the number of apprentices to be trained and the professional qualifications being prepared ; 2° The human and material resources intended for the training, the pedagogical organisation, the support arrangements, the content of the teaching and, where applicable, the premises intended for accommodation ; 3° The financing arrangements.
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