Article R4733-11 of the French Labour Code
This section does not apply to apprentices under the age of eighteen. The latter are subject to the provisions of Section 3 of Chapter V of Title II of Book II of Part Six.
This section does not apply to apprentices under the age of eighteen. The latter are subject to the provisions of Section 3 of Chapter V of Title II of Book II of Part Six.
In application of article L. 4733-8, the Labour Inspection inspector mentioned in article L. 8112-1 may propose to the Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment that the performance of the employment contract or training agreement be suspended, after conducting, where circumstances allow, an investigation involving both parties. The enforcement officer will inform the employer without delay. The Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and…
To obtain the lifting of the ban on recruiting or taking on new young people under the age of eighteen, whether workers or trainees, in application of article L. 4733-10, the employer may ask the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment to put an end to this ban. The employer shall attach to his request all evidence to show that he has taken the necessary measures…
The Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment, in the light of the evidence presented by the employer, will rule on the request to lift the ban on recruiting or taking on new young people under the age of eighteen. It notifies the employer of its decision. If no response is received within two months, the request is deemed to have been rejected.
A copy of decisions to withdraw an assignment, decisions to refuse or authorise the resumption of regulated work, and decisions to suspend or refuse the resumption of performance of the employment contract or training agreement is sent without delay to the young person, his legal representative and, where applicable, to the head of the establishment referred to in article R. 4733-1.
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