Article L131-1 of the French Commercial code
There are freight brokers, ship interpreters and ship drivers, land and water transport brokers.
There are freight brokers, ship interpreters and ship drivers, land and water transport brokers.
Goods brokerage may be carried out by any trader.
Brokers of transport by land and water constituted in accordance with the law have alone, in the places where they are established, the right to broker transport by land and water. They may not combine their duties with those of goods brokers or ship’s master brokers, designated in Article L. 131-1.
Investment service providers may, concurrently with commodity brokers, negotiate and broker sales or purchases of metallic materials. They alone have the right to determine the price.
The fact that a broker is entrusted with a brokerage transaction for a matter in which he had a personal interest, without informing the parties to whom he will have acted as intermediary, is punishable by a fine of 3,750 euros without prejudice to the parties’ action for damages. If he is registered on the list of brokers referred to in article L. 131-12, he shall be struck off the…
The list of sworn goods brokers is drawn up by each court of appeal at the request of the public prosecutor. It shall show, for each of them, the date of their registration as well as their professional specialisation(s) as sanctioned by the aptitude test provided for in 5° of article L. 131-13. The Court of Appeal may make new entries or amendments to the list whenever it is required…
No person may be entered on the list of sworn goods brokers of a court of appeal unless he fulfils the following conditions: 1° Be French or a national of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area ; 2° Not have been subject to personal bankruptcy or any other sanction pursuant to Title V of Book VI…
In order for a legal entity to be registered on the list of sworn goods brokers of a court of appeal, it must be proven : 1° That its directors have not been the subject of a final criminal conviction for acts contrary to honour, probity or morality or acts of the same nature that have given rise to a disciplinary or administrative sanction of dismissal, striking off, revocation, withdrawal…
Sworn merchandise brokers must provide evidence of: 1° The existence in a credit institution of an account intended exclusively to receive funds held on behalf of others; 2° Insurance covering their professional liability; 3° Insurance or a guarantee guaranteeing the representation of the funds mentioned in 1°.
Any change occurring in the situation of brokers who have applied for or obtained their registration on a list, with regard to the conditions set out in article L. 131-15, must be brought to the attention of the Public Prosecutor without delay.
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