Article R8124-14 of the French Labour Code
Labour inspectors may not have any direct or indirect interest whatsoever in the undertakings they inspect or which fall within their remit.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Eight: Monitoring the application of employment legislation | Book I: Labour inspection | Title II: Labour inspection system | Chapter IV: Professional ethics of labour inspection staff | Section 3: Rights and duties towards each user of the public labour inspection service
Labour inspectors may not have any direct or indirect interest whatsoever in the undertakings they inspect or which fall within their remit.
Each member of staff shall immediately prevent or put an end to any situation of interference between the performance of his professional duties and public or private interests, including the exercise of a political mandate, which is likely to influence or appear to influence the independent, impartial and objective performance of his duties, in accordance with the procedures set out in article 25 bis of the aforementioned law of 13…
The hierarchical authority shall offer all members of staff, on their appointment and as often as necessary thereafter, an interview devoted to the prevention of situations of conflict of interest. If the employee is subject to the obligation to make a declaration of interests as provided for in article 25 ter of the aforementioned law of 13 July 1983, the interview provided for in the first paragraph is compulsory and…
Employees of the labour inspection system devote their entire professional activity to the duties entrusted to them. Combined activities are only possible under the conditions set out in article 25 septies of the aforementioned law of 13 July 1983. These activities must not hinder the performance of their main duties or in any way prejudice the authority or impartiality required in relations with employers and employees.
The staff of the labour inspection system carry out their duties impartially, without expressing any prejudices in their behaviour, words or actions. They ensure that users in identical situations, whatever their status, geographical location or activity, receive equal treatment.
In the performance of their duties, employees shall refrain from any expression or manifestation of personal convictions of any kind whatsoever. Off duty, they shall express themselves freely within the limits set by the duty of reserve. In particular, they may not make any comments likely to harm the reputation of the labour inspection system. They may not use their status as agents of the labour inspection system to publicly…
Labour inspectors provide information and advice to users on the applicable law, its scope and the means of ensuring compliance. They respond to requests for information in the form and by the means best suited to their interlocutor, within a reasonable timeframe given the complexity of the issue.
Labour inspectors provide users with administrative documents in accordance with articles L. 311-1 to L. 311-14 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration.
Subject to the duty of professional discretion, employees of the labour inspection system shall refrain from disclosing to anyone who does not have the right to know any information of which they become aware in the performance of their duties, subject to Article 8 of Law 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 on transparency, combating corruption and modernising economic life.
Employees are bound by professional secrecy under the conditions laid down by law. Inspection officers and prevention engineers are prohibited from disclosing any manufacturing secrets or operating processes of which they may become aware in the course of their duties. Medical inspectors are bound by professional secrecy under the conditions set out in Articles L. 1413-15, R. 4127-4 and R. 4127-104 of the Public Health Code.
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