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Section 1: Health products for human use and products for cosmetic purposes

Article R1453-2 of the French Public Health Code

Companies producing or marketing products mentioned in II of Article L. 5311-1, with the exception of those mentioned in 14°, 15° and 17°, or providing services associated with these products, shall make public, under the conditions defined in this sub-section: 1° The information mentioned in I of R. 1453-3 contained in the agreements they conclude with the natural or legal persons mentioned in I of Article L. 1453-1; 2° The…

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Article R1453-3 of the French Public Health Code

I.-For the agreements referred to in 1° of Article R. 1453-2, each company shall make public the following information in addition to its own identity, including its corporate name, its corporate purpose and the address of its registered office: 1° The identity of the parties to each agreement, i.e. : a) In the case of a healthcare professional, the surname, first name, job title, professional address and, where applicable, the…

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Article R1453-4 of the French Public Health Code

I.-The information mentioned in article R. 1453-3 is made public, in French, on the single public website mentioned in I of article L. 1453-1 and is transmitted to the authority responsible for this site. II – An order by the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, sets out the operating conditions for the site mentioned in this article, in particular the…

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Article R1453-5 of the French Public Health Code

The company shall send the information mentioned in article R. 1453-3 to the authority responsible for the single public website: 1° No later than 1st September for agreements concluded, remuneration paid and other benefits granted during the first half of the current year; 2° No later than 1st March of the following year for agreements concluded, remuneration paid and other benefits granted during the second half of the previous year.

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Article R1453-6 of the French Public Health Code

The authority responsible for the single public website shall make public information relating to agreements entered into, remuneration paid and other benefits granted during the first half of the calendar year by 1 October of the current year at the latest and during the second half of the calendar year by 1 April of the following year at the latest. They remain accessible to the public, under the conditions set…

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Article R1453-7 of the French Public Health Code

The authority responsible for the single public website shall take the necessary technical measures to ensure the integrity of the site on which it publishes the information mentioned in article R. 1453-3, its security and the protection of directly identifying data only against indexing by external search engines. It shall ensure that individuals are informed about the collection and publication of data concerning them. It complies with the provisions of…

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Article R1453-8 of the French Public Health Code

I. – Companies producing or marketing products mentioned in 14°, 15° and 17° of article L. 5311-1 or providing services associated with these products shall make public, under the conditions defined in this sub-section, the information relating to agreements concerning the conduct of safety assessment, vigilance or biomedical research work on these products in the agreements they have entered into with the natural or legal persons mentioned in I of…

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Article R1453-9 of the French Public Health Code

The provisions of article R. 1453-3, with the exception of the last three paragraphs of I, and the provisions of articles R. 1453-4 to R. 1453-7 apply to agreements entered into by companies producing or marketing products mentioned in 14°, 15° and 17° of article L. 5311-1, to the remuneration they pay and to the other benefits they provide.

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