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Article LO6461-21 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Decisions to waive the obligation to deposit with the State the funds of the local authority or its public establishments, mentioned in Chapter VIII of the single title of Book VI of Part One fall within the remit of the Territorial Council, which may grant a delegation to its President under the conditions set out in Article LO 6462-12.

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Article LO6462-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The representative of the State may, in the event that this has not been done by the president of the territorial council and after a formal notice has remained without result, exercise the attributions devolved to the president of the territorial council for the exercise of police powers relating to the management of the community’s domain.

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Article LO6462-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The President of the Territorial Council appoints members of the Territorial Council to sit on outside bodies in the cases and under the conditions laid down by the provisions governing these bodies. The fixing by the aforementioned provisions of the term of office assigned to these members does not prevent them from being replaced at any time, and for the remainder of that term, by a new appointment made in…

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Article LO6462-4 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The President of the Territorial Council is the authorising officer for local authority expenditure and prescribes the execution of local authority revenue, subject to the specific provisions of the tax code applicable to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon relating to the collection of local authority tax revenue. Capital expenditure relating to movable assets not included on the lists and of a value below a threshold set by order of the ministers responsible for finance…

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Article LO6462-6 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The President of the Territorial Council manages the community’s domain.In this capacity, he/she exercises the police powers relating to this management, in particular with regard to traffic on this domain, subject to the attributions devolved to mayors and the State representative by this code as well as the State representative’s power of substitution provided for in Article LO 6462-2.

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Article LO6462-8 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The President of the Territorial Council is solely responsible for administration. He may delegate by decree, under his supervision and responsibility, the exercise of part of his functions to the vice-presidents. He may also delegate part of his duties, under the same conditions, to members of the Territorial Council in the absence or impediment of the vice-presidents or when they all hold a delegation. These delegations remain in force until…

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Article LO6462-9 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The president of the territorial council may refer to the administrative tribunal a request for an opinion on the interpretation of the status of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon or on the applicability in this collectivity of a legislative or regulatory text. In the event of serious difficulty, the president of the administrative tribunal may forward this request to the Conseil d’Etat. When the request for an opinion concerns the division of powers between…

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