Article L1421-1 of the French Labour Code
The industrial tribunal is a joint jurisdiction. It and its various panels are composed of an equal number of employees and employers.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book IV: Dispute resolution - The industrial tribunal | Title II: Establishment, organisation and operation
The industrial tribunal is a joint jurisdiction. It and its various panels are composed of an equal number of employees and employers.
Industrial tribunal members shall perform their duties with complete independence, impartiality, dignity and probity and shall behave in such a way as to exclude any legitimate doubt in this respect. In particular, they shall refrain from any public act or behaviour incompatible with their duties. They are bound to secrecy in their deliberations. They shall be prohibited from taking any concerted action likely to halt or obstruct the operation of…
At least one industrial tribunal is set up within the jurisdiction of each judicial court. If there is only one industrial tribunal, its jurisdiction extends to the entire jurisdiction of the judicial court. For geographical, economic or social reasons, several industrial tribunals may be set up within the jurisdiction of a judicial court.
Aerodromes whose boundaries extend over the jurisdiction of several industrial tribunals may be attached by decree to the jurisdiction of one of them for the application of the provisions concerning territorial jurisdiction in industrial tribunal matters.
Decrees in the Conseil d’Etat create or abolish industrial tribunals and determine, modify or transfer their jurisdiction and seat.
The industrial tribunal is divided into autonomous sections. It has a joint summary procedure panel.
Subject to the provisions relating to the management section set out in article L. 1423-1-2, cases are allocated between the sections of the industrial tribunal on the basis of the scope of the collective labour agreement to which the employee party to the dispute is subject and a table of allocation, under conditions defined by decree.
The Management Section is responsible for cases where the employee involved in the dispute falls into the following categories: 1° Engineers as well as employees who, even if they do not exercise command, have equivalent training, whether or not evidenced by a diploma; 2° Employees who, having acquired technical, administrative, legal, commercial or financial training, exercise command by delegation from the employer; 3° Supervisors who have been delegated command in…
A decree sets, for each industrial tribunal, the number of councillors to be appointed per college in the various sections.
The industrial tribunal members meeting in a general meeting, a section meeting or a chamber meeting, under the chairmanship of the oldest member, elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among their number. At his request and at least once a year, the judge referred to in article L. 1454-2 attends the general meeting of the industrial tribunal.
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