Article R2623-11 of the French Labour Code
The alternate members of the Conciliation Committee are appointed under the same conditions as the full members. They sit in the absence of the full members.
The alternate members of the Conciliation Committee are appointed under the same conditions as the full members. They sit in the absence of the full members.
When the Chairman of the Conciliation Commission receives a request for conciliation or decides, on his own initiative, to initiate the conciliation procedure, he will send the members of the sections concerned a notice specifying the points in dispute and the date and place of the meeting. It shall convene the parties to the dispute by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by delivery against receipt.
Before the conciliation commission, the parties may be assisted by a member of the employers’ or employees’ organisation to which they belong.
Where the parties are represented, the representative must belong to the same organisation as the party he represents or be an employee of the company where the dispute is taking place. The representative is duly authorised and entitled to conclude a conciliation agreement on behalf of his principal.
If one of the parties does not appear or is not represented before the conciliation commission, the chairman, after noting the party’s absence, sets a new meeting date during the meeting, in accordance with the conditions set down in article L. 2522-3. He notifies this meeting date to the party present or represented. He shall summon the defaulting party by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by hand-delivery against…
If a party who has been duly summoned fails to appear at the next meeting without a legitimate reason, the Chairman will draw up a report on the failure to appear. These minutes indicate the points of disagreement specified by the party present or represented. The failure of the party that filed the request for conciliation to appear shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of the request.
When an agreement is reached before a conciliation committee, the chairman draws up a report and notifies the parties. It is filed with the Directorate of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training or, in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, with the Department of Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment.When the parties fail to reach an agreement, a record of non-conciliation is drawn up and immediately notified to them by registered letter with acknowledgement of…
A joint order of the Ministers of Labour, Agriculture and Finance sets the conditions for the allocation of travel allowances to committee members and, for members other than active civil servants, holiday allowances.
Collective labour disputes taking place in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, La Réunion, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon may be referred to the National Conciliation Commission attached to the Minister for Labour or the Commission attached to the Minister for Agriculture.The conciliation procedure is conducted in accordance with the rules laid down in Section 2 of Chapter II of Title II of Book V.
For the application in Mayotte of article R. 2315-20, the words: “at the rate of the second class railway fare” are replaced by the words: “at the rate shown in article 6B of appendix 4 of the general tax code for travel by motor vehicle”.
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