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Article R123-304 of the French Commercial code

When the President of the Regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts or, by delegation, the President of the Departmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts is informed by an administrative or judicial authority that a registered person no longer meets the conditions for registration in the National Register of Companies as a business in the trades and crafts sector, it gives formal notice, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, to…

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Article R123-305 of the French Commercial code

When the person registered in the National Register of Companies as a business in the trades and crafts sector does not comply with its obligations in terms of professional qualification or when it does not transmit the information provided for in 3° of article R. 123-279 within the required timeframe, or when, in the event of a change in situation affecting its obligations in terms of professional qualification, it does…

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Article R123-306 of the French Commercial code

The registered person may, within six months of the deletion made pursuant to articles R. 123-304 and R. 123-305, as long as it demonstrates that it has regularised its situation, refer the matter to the president of the regional chamber of trades and crafts or, by delegation, to the president of the departmental level chamber of trades and crafts via the single body mentioned in article R. 123-1 and under…

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Article R123-307 of the French Commercial code

When the President of the regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts or, by delegation, the President of the departmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts is informed of the pronouncement of a measure of incapacity or prohibition from exercising a commercial or professional activity, from managing, administering or directing a legal entity resulting from a final court decision in application of article L. 123-44 or a final administrative decision against a…

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Article R123-308 of the French Commercial code

When the President of the Regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts or, by delegation, the President of the Departmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts is informed that the registration of a person or the amendment to the registration concerning that person has been carried out using irregular supporting documents, and when he finds that this information is serious, he informs the registered person and invites him to produce additional supporting…

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Article R123-309 of the French Commercial code

The President of the regional Chamber of Trades and Crafts or, by delegation, the President of the departmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts requests from the keeper of the National Business Register, via the single body mentioned in article R. 123-1, for the entry in the file of the company concerned, for each activity falling within the trades and crafts sector, of the complementary code of the French crafts and…

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Article R123-310 of the French Commercial code

When the departmental or pluridépartemental mutualité sociale agricole fund is informed that a person registered in the National Register of Companies meets the conditions for claiming the status of agricultural asset, it requests the keeper of the National Register of Companies, through the intermediary of the single body mentioned in article R. 123-1, to enter the mention of this status in the National Register of Companies. When the departmental or…

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Article R123-311 of the French Commercial code

Where an activity declared as a principal activity is not validated by one of the authorities referred to in sub-section 2 of this section, the keeper of the National Register of Companies shall enter, as the principal activity, the first secondary activity in the order of declaration, where applicable after validation of the latter by one of the aforementioned authorities. In the absence of secondary activities declared by an individual…

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Article R123-312 of the French Commercial code

Any deletion mentioned or reported ex officio from the register of companies by the clerk of the commercial court or of the judicial court ruling in commercial matters shall be brought to the attention of the keeper of the National Register of Companies for the purpose of deletion from that register. The Registrar proceeds as specified in the second paragraph of article R. 123-83. The automatic removal of a legal…

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Article R123-313 of the French Commercial code

Where a natural person registered in the National Register of Companies does not carry on any activity other than that which has been deleted pursuant to Article R. 123-305, the keeper of the National Register of Companies shall deregister the company concerned. .

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