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Article 1522 of the French Code of civil procedure

By special agreement, the parties may at any time expressly waive the action for annulment. In that case, they may still appeal against the exequatur order on one of the grounds provided for in Article 1520. An appeal shall be lodged within one month of the notification of the enforceable award. The notification shall be made by service unless the parties agree otherwise.

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Article 1523 of the French Code of civil procedure

A decision refusing recognition or enforcement of an international arbitration award made in France may be appealed. The appeal is lodged within one month of service of the decision. In this case, the Court of Appeal shall, at the request of a party, hear the action for annulment against the award unless the party has waived it or the time limit for exercising it has expired.

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Article 1524 of the French Code of civil procedure

There shall be no appeal against the order granting the exequatur except in the case provided for in the second paragraph of Article 1522. However, an action to set aside the award automatically entails, within the limits of the court’s jurisdiction, an appeal against the order of the judge who ruled on the exequatur or the removal of that judge from jurisdiction.

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Article 1525 of the French Code of civil procedure

An appeal may be lodged against a decision ruling on an application for recognition or enforcement of an arbitral award made abroad. An appeal shall be lodged within one month of service of the decision. The parties may, however, agree on another method of notification where the appeal is lodged against the award which has been granted exequatur. The Court of Appeal may refuse recognition or exequatur of the arbitral…

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Article 1526 of the French Code of civil procedure

An action to set aside the award and an appeal against the order granting the exequatur shall not have suspensory effect. However, the First President ruling in summary proceedings or, as soon as the matter is referred to him, the Conseiller de la mise en état may halt or adjust the enforcement of the award if such enforcement is likely to seriously prejudice the rights of one of the parties.

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Article 1527 of the French Code of civil procedure

An appeal against the order ruling on the exequatur and an application to set aside the award shall be lodged, investigated and judged in accordance with the rules relating to contentious proceedings set out in Articles 900 to 930-1. The rejection of the appeal or of the action for annulment confers exequatur on the arbitral award or on those of its provisions which are not affected by the court’s censure.

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