Article L661-12 of the French Commercial code
The actions of the Public Prosecutor provided for in this Chapter shall be open to him even if he has not acted as principal party.
The actions of the Public Prosecutor provided for in this Chapter shall be open to him even if he has not acted as principal party.
No opposition or enforcement proceedings of any kind against the sums paid to the Caisse des dépôts et consignations shall be admissible.
Where justified by the interests at stake, the court of appeal may decide to refer the case to another court with jurisdiction within the court’s jurisdiction, or to a court mentioned in article L. 721-8 to hear ad hoc mandates, conciliation proceedings or safeguard, receivership or compulsory liquidation proceedings, under conditions set by decree. The Court of Cassation, seised under the same conditions, may refer the case to a court…
Discussions before the Commercial Court and the Judicial Court take place in chambers. However, the proceedings are open to the public as of right after the commencement of the proceedings if the debtor, the judicial representative, the administrator, the liquidator, the employees’ representative or the public prosecutor so request. The president of the court may decide that they will take place or continue in the council chamber if disorders arise…
Any dismissal envisaged by the administrator, the employer or the liquidator, as the case may be, of the employees’ representative mentioned in articles L. 621-4 and L. 641-1 must be submitted to the works council, which gives an opinion on the proposed redundancy. The redundancy may only take place with the authorisation of the labour inspector responsible for the establishment. However, in the event of serious misconduct, the administrator, the…
Funds held by trustees under receivership or liquidation proceedings governed by the loi n° 67-563 du 13 juillet 1967 sur le règlement judiciaire, la liquidation des biens, la faillite personnelle et les banqueroutes sont immédiatement versés en compte de dépôt à la Caisse des dépôts et consignations. In the event of delay, the trustee shall owe interest at a rate equal to the legal interest rate plus five points on…
At the end of each six-month period, the clerk’s office of the commercial court and the clerk’s office of the judicial court draw up a list of the court-appointed receivers and agents and other persons to whom a mandate relating to the procedures governed by this book has been entrusted by the said court, during that period. They shall include, for each of the persons concerned, all the cases assigned…
On pain of nullity of the judgment, the following may not sit on the judgment panels or take part in the deliberation of the proceedings: 1° The president of the court, if he has heard the debtor pursuant to the provisions of Title I of this book; 2° The judge appointed to gather all information on the financial, economic and social situation of the company, for the proceedings in which…
The court has jurisdiction to hear any proceedings concerning a company that owns or controls, within the meaning of articles L. 233-1 and L. 233-3, a company for which proceedings are pending before it. It also has jurisdiction to hear any proceedings concerning a company that is owned or controlled, within the meaning of Articles L. 233-1 and L. 233-3, by a company for which proceedings are pending before it….
I.-Where the debtor’s available funds are not immediately sufficient, the Public Treasury shall, by reasoned order of the official receiver, advance the fees, taxes, charges or emoluments levied by the court registries, the fees of lawyers insofar as they are regulated, the costs of service and publicity and the remuneration of technicians appointed by the court with the agreement of the public prosecutor, relating to: 1° Decisions that intervene during…
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