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Article R3123-12 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any member of a departmental council who is an employee must, where he wishes to take the training leave referred to in article L. 3123-11, submit his request in writing to his employer at least thirty days in advance, specifying the date and duration of the planned absence, as well as the name of the organisation responsible for the course or session. The employer shall acknowledge receipt of this request….

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Article R3123-13 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Training leave is granted by right in order to attend a training course or attend a training session that meets the criteria set out in article R. 3123-9. It may, however, be refused by the employer if he considers, after consulting the works council or, failing this, the staff delegates where the company has them, that the employee’s absence would have detrimental consequences for production and the smooth running of…

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Article R3123-16 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any member of a departmental council, governed by Titles I to IV of the general civil service regulations must, when he wishes to benefit from the training leave provided for in article L. 3123-11, submit his request in writing to the hierarchical authority to which he reports at least thirty days in advance, specifying the date and duration of the absence envisaged in this respect, as well as the name…

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Article R3123-17 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The benefit of training leave is by right to carry out a training course or attend a training session meeting the criteria set out in article R. 3123-9. It may, however, be refused if the operational requirements of the service preclude it. Decisions rejecting requests for training leave must be communicated with their reasons to the joint administrative committee during the meeting following this decision. If the official renews his…

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Article R3123-19-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Training courses eligible under the individual right are training courses relating to the exercise of the mandate of the member of the departmental council and training courses contributing to the acquisition of the skills necessary, where applicable, for his professional reintegration at the end of the mandate. Training courses relating to the exercise of the mandate are training courses provided by a body approved by the minister responsible for local…

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Article R3123-19-2 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Within the limit of the maximum amount set in application of 3° of article R. 1621-7 of the present code, the member of the departmental council acquires his or her individual training rights recorded in euros each year, from the third Monday following the first round of the departmental election, and may ask to use them as of this acquisition. Regardless of the number of mandates held by the local…

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