Article R4134-22 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The articles R. 4135-1 and R. 4135-3 are applicable to the chairmen and members of regional economic, social and environmental councils.
The articles R. 4135-1 and R. 4135-3 are applicable to the chairmen and members of regional economic, social and environmental councils.
The articles D. 4135-20 to D. 4135-23 are applicable to the chairmen and members of the regional economic, social and environmental councils.
Members of regional economic, social and environmental councils receive, for the actual performance of their duties, an allowance equal to no more than 45% of the maximum functional allowance that may be allocated to a regional councillor of the same region, pursuant to article L. 4135-16. .
The chairman of the regional economic, social and environmental council receives, for the actual performance of his duties, an allowance equal to no more than 50% of the maximum functional allowance that may be allocated to the chairman of the regional council, pursuant to article L. 4135-17.
The vice-presidents of the regional economic, social and environmental councils who have been delegated by the president receive, for the actual performance of their duties, an allowance not exceeding the allowance that may be allocated to a regional economic and social councillor, as defined in article R. 4134-24, increased by a coefficient of 1.9. The members of the bureau of the regional economic, social and environmental councils, other than the…
The deliberation of the regional council setting the allowances mentioned in Article R. 4134-24 provides, after consultation with the president of the regional economic, social and environmental council, for the terms and conditions for reducing the allowances allocated to the members of this council according to their attendance at meetings of the council or its formations as well as at meetings of the bodies in which they represent their assembly.
The duration of the hours credited for one quarter is equal to: 1° Seventy hours for the chairmen of the regional economic, social and environmental councils; 2° Twenty-one hours for the members of the council. .
Given the requirements of the public education service, the weekly service of staff belonging to teaching bodies or job categories who benefit from a credit of hours in accordance with Article L. 4134-7-1 is subject to adjustment at the start of the school year. The duration of the credit hours is divided between the service time spent in the presence of pupils for which they are statutorily responsible and the…
In the case of part-time work, the credit of hours is reduced in proportion to the ratio between the working hours set out in the employment contract of the employee concerned, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 3123-6 of the Labour Code, and the legal weekly working time defined in article D. 4135-7 of this code. In the case of a civil servant governed by titles II, III…
To set the maximum time to which elected representatives who have the status of employees are entitled pursuant to Article L. 4134-7-1, the legal working time for a calendar year is assessed on the basis of the legal weekly working time set by article L. 3121-27 of the Labour Code, by deducting five weeks’ paid holiday as well as public holidays. However, when there is a derogation from this duration…
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