Article R4228-31 of the French Labour Code
The floors and walls of the accommodation allow for efficient maintenance and are renewed whenever cleanliness is required.
The floors and walls of the accommodation allow for efficient maintenance and are renewed whenever cleanliness is required.
The premises used for accommodation are kept in a constant state of cleanliness and hygiene.
Sinks with drinking water and adjustable temperature, as well as towels and soap, are provided for the workers in the accommodation, with one sink for every three people.
Toilets and urinals are installed near rooms intended for accommodation under the conditions set out in Articles R. 4228-11 et seq.
Temperature-controlled showers are installed near the accommodation rooms, in individual cubicles, with one cubicle for every six people.
The provisions of articles R. 4228-26 to R. 4228-35 are not applicable in agricultural establishments, where the provisions relating to workers’ accommodation are set out in Book VII of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.
The provisions relating to workers’ accommodation also apply to installations set up outside the boundaries of establishments or sites. The Labour Inspectorate is responsible for monitoring the installation and interior layout of the premises.
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