Article D3423-10 of the French Labour Code
The procedures for applying article R. 3244-2 relating to the distribution of tips are determined by prefectoral order.
The procedures for applying article R. 3244-2 relating to the distribution of tips are determined by prefectoral order.
For the application of article R. 3243-2 to Mayotte, the first sentence of the second paragraph is deleted.
Paying … is punishable by a fifth-class fine: 1° Wages lower than the minimum growth wage provided for in articles L. 3423-1 to L. 3423-4 ; 2° Paying less than the minimum monthly wage provided for in articles L. 3423-5 and L. 3423-6. The fine is applied as many times as there are employees paid under illegal conditions. Repeated offences are punishable in accordance with articles 132-11 and 132-15 of…
For application in Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, article R. 3261-13-1 reads as follows: “Art. R. 3261-13-1 -The other shared mobility services mentioned in article L. 3261-3-1 include: 1° The self-service hire or provision of mopeds, motorbikes, pedal-assisted cycles and personal mobility devices, with or without a docking station and accessible on the public highway, provided that they are equipped with a non-heating engine or non-heating assistance when motorised; 2° Car-sharing services…
For the application in Mayotte of article R. 3324-22, the words: “of 2° and 3° of article L. 341-4 of the Social Security Code ” are replaced by the words: “ofarticle 20-8-2 of order no. 96-1122 of 20 December 1996 relating to the improvement of public health, to sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance, to the financing of social security in Mayotte and to the Mayotte Social Security Fund”.
For the application of article R. 3332-29 in Mayotte, the words: “within the meaning of 2° and 3° of article L. 341-4 of the Social Security Code ” are replaced by the words: “within the meaning of the social legislation applicable in Mayotte”.
For the application of article R. 3334-4 to Mayotte, the second and third sentences of 1° are deleted.
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