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Article L454-6 of the French Consumer Code

The offences provided for in articles L. 441-2, L. 441-3and L. 441-4 are punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros. The amount of the fine may be increased, in proportion to the benefits derived from the offence, to 5% of the average annual turnover, calculated on the last three annual turnover figures known at the date of the offence. Physical persons shall also be subject to…

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Article L454-7 of the French Consumer Code

In the event of conviction for offences punishable under articles L. 454-1 to L. 454-3 and L. 454-6, the court may also order: 1° The posting and publication of the decision under the conditions set out in article 131-35 of the Penal Code ; 2° The broadcasting of one or more messages. The judgment shall set out the terms of these messages and how they are to be disseminated and…

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Article L455-1 of the French Consumer Code

The suspension of the marketing of goods in respect of which proceedings have been brought for infringement of the provisions of Titles I, II and IV and the texts adopted for their application may be ordered by the examining magistrate or the court hearing the proceedings.The measure shall be enforceable notwithstanding any appeal. It may be discharged by the court that ordered it or that is hearing the case. The…

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Article L455-2 of the French Consumer Code

Sont considérés, au regard de la récidive, comme une même infraction, les délits prévus et réprimés par: 1° Les articles L. 121-2 à L. 121-4 et L. 132-2, les articles L. 122-1 to L. 122-5 and L. 132-25, articles L. 431-2, L. 431-4, L. 432-2, L. 432-4, L. 432-6, L. 433-2, L. 433-9, L. 453-1 to L. 453-8, articles L. 441-1 and L. 454-1, articles L. 413-1 and L. 451-1…

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